The Lab

Dr. Chris Tape 🇬🇧 

Group Leader 

Chris received his Ph.D. from Prof. Gillian Murphy's lab at the CRUK Cambridge Institute (University of Cambridge). He was then awarded a Sir Henry Wellcome Postdoctoral Fellowship between The Institute of Cancer Research (ICR) (with Dr. Claus Jorgensen and Prof. Chris Marshall) and Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) (with Prof. Doug Lauffenburger) to study how oncogenes signal across multiple cell types in cancer. Chris now leads the Cell-Communication Lab at UCL CI under a CRUK Career Development Fellowship (supported by the CRUK Werth Trust).


Twitter: @christophertape



Dr. James Opzoomer 🇬🇧 🇨🇦

Postdoctoral Research Associate

James received his B.Sc. in Biochemistry from McGill University before pursuing a M.Sc. and Ph.D. in Tumour Immunology at King’s College London. James is developing multimodal single-cell technologies to study inter- and intra-cellular signalling in tumour microenvironment organoids.


Twitter: @j_opzoomer


Dr. Xiao Qin 🇨🇳

Postdoctoral Research Associate 

Xiao received her B.Sc. in Biological Science from Peking University followed by a D.Phil in Clinical Medicine from the University of Oxford. Xiao is using single-cell technologies to study how oncogenic mutations communicate through stromal and immune cell-types in colorectal cancer. 


Twitter: @QinXiao1990

Research Assistants

Ewa Basiarz 🇵🇱

Research Assistant

Ewa studied Biomedical Science the University of Surrey followed by M.Res in Reproductive Science and Women’s Health at University College London. Ewa is developing autologous patient-derived microenvironment models of colorectal cancer to study patient-specific chemo- and immunotherapy responses.



Jahangir Sufi 🇬🇧

Research Assistant 

Jahangir studied Biomedical Science B.Sc. at Imperial College London followed by a M.Sc. in Cancer, Molecular Pathology, and Genomics at the Barts Cancer Institute. Jahangir is developing novel mass cytometry methods to study single-cell signalling in solid epithelial tumour models. 



Petra Vlckova 🇨🇿

Research Assistant

Petra earned her B.Sc. in Biomedicine at Birkbeck College followed by a M.Sc. in Cancer Biology from University College London. Petra is building advanced 3D co-culture models of colorectal cancer using organoids, fibroblasts, macrophages, and T cells. 

Petra leads the Organoid Translational Technology Platform at the CRUK City of London Centre.


Twitter: @Petra47715998


Callum Nattress 🇬🇧

MB.Ph.D. Student

Callum is studying for an MBPhD at University College London. Callum is using patient derived organoids and single-cell technologies to investigate engineered γδ T cells as novel biotherapeutics for colorectal cancer.

Secondary Supervisor: Dr. Jon Fisher

Co-Supervisor: Prof. John Anderson


Twitter: @CallumNattress


Corinne Molyneux 🇬🇧

Ph.D. Student

Corinne studied Pharmacology at the University of Bath followed by the R&D Graduate Programme at AstraZeneca. Corinne is performing single-cell co-culture organoid CRISPR screening to study stromal drug protection mechanisms in CRC.

Secondary Supervisor: Prof. Daniel Hochhauser



Rhianna O’Sullivan 🇬🇧

Ph.D. Student

Rhianna studied Biomedical Sciences at Nottingham Trent followed by a M.Res. in Cancer Biology at Imperial College London and the R&D Graduate Programme at AstraZeneca. Rhianna is using TOBis MC to study patient-specific PDO-CAF interactions in CRC.

Secondary Supervisor: Prof. Erik Sahai


Twitter: @Rhianna_Shannon


Ferran Cardoso Rodriguez 🇪🇸

Ph.D. Student

Ferran earned his B.Sc in Biotechnology at the University of Barcelona followed by a M.Sc. in Bioinformatics and Theoretical Systems Biology from Imperial College London. Ferran is exploring novel computational approaches to study the colorectal cancer tumour microenvironment using high-dimensional multimodal single-cell data.

Secondary Superviser: Prof. Javier Herrero


Personal Site:

Twitter: @FerranC96


María Ramos Zapatero 🇪🇸

Ph.D. Student

María studied Biotechnology at CEU San Pablo University followed by M.Sc. in Cancer Research at the University of Lyon. María is using TOBis MC to study patient-specific drug responses in colorectal cancer tumour microenvironment organoids.

Secondary Supervisor: Prof. Daniel Hochhauser


Twitter: @Maria_Ramos_Z
