M.R. Zapatero*, A. Tong*, J. Sufi, P. Vlckova, F.C. Rodriguez, C. Nattress, X. Qin, D. Hochhauser, S. Krishnaswamy, C.J. Tape, ‘Trellis Single-Cell Screening Reveals Stromal Regulation of Patient-Derived Organoid Drug Responses’, bioRxiv (2023) DOI PDF
D. Fowler, M. Barisa, A.S. Navarrete, C. Nattress, E. Hawkins, E. Vassalou, A. Kanouta, J. Counsell, E.M. Rota, P. Vlckova, B. Draper, C.J. Tape, K. Chester, J. Anderson, J. Fisher, ‘OPS-γδ: Allogeneic Opsonin-secreting γδT Cell Immunotherapy for Solid Tumours Mediates Direct and Bystander Immunity’, bioRxiv (2022) DOI PDF
X. Qin*, F.C. Rodriguez*, J. Sufi, P. Vlckova, J. Claus, C.J. Tape, ‘A Single-cell Perturbation Landscape of Colonic Stem Cell Polarisation’, Cell (in press) bioRxiv
I.M. Michelozzi, E. Gomez-Castaneda, R.V.C. Pohle, F.C. Rodriguez, J. Sufi, P. Puigdevall-Costa, M. Subramaniyam, E. Kirtsios, A. Eddaoudi, S.W. Wu, A. Guvenel, J. Fisher, S. Ghorashian, M. Pule, C.J. Tape, S. Castellano, P.J. Amrolia, A. Giustacchini, ‘Activation Priming and Cytokine Polyfunctionality Modulate the Enhanced Functionality of Low-Affinity CD19 CAR T Cells’, Blood Advances (2022) PMID: 36453632 DOI
I.M. Michelozzi, J. Sufi, T.A. Adejumo, P.J. Amrolia, C.J. Tape, A. Giustacchini, ‘High-Dimensional Functional Phenotyping of Preclinical Human CAR T Cells Using Mass Cytometry’, STAR Protocols (2022) 3(1): 101174. PMID: 35199038 DOI PDF
J. Sufi*, X. Qin*, F.C. Rodriguez, Y.J. Bu, P. Vlckova, M.R. Zapatero, M. Nitz, C.J. Tape, ‘Multiplexed Single-Cell Analysis of Organoid Signaling Networks’, Nature Protocols (2021) 16(10): 4897–4918. PMID: 34497385 DOI PDF
F. Guo, A. Hall, C.J. Tape, S. Ling, A. Pointon, ‘Intra- and Intercellular Signaling Pathways Associated with Drug-induced Cardiac Pathophysiology’, Trends in Pharmacological Sciences (2021) 42(8):675-687. PMID: 34092416 DOI PDF
X. Qin & C.J. Tape, ‘Deciphering Organoids: High-Dimensional Analysis of Biomimetic Cultures’, Trends in Biotechnology (2021) 39(8): 774-787. PMID: 33279281 DOI PDF
X. Qin, J. Sufi*, P. Vlckova*, P. Kyriakidou*, S.E. Acton, V.S.W. Li, M. Nitz, C.J. Tape, ‘Cell-Type Specific Signaling Networks in Heterocellular Organoids’, Nature Methods (2020) 17(3): 335-342. PMID: 32066960 DOI PDF
M. Montagner, R. Bhome, S. Hooper, P. Chakravarty, X. Qin, J. Sufi, A. Bhargava, C.D.H. Ratcliffe, Y. Naito, A. Pocaterra, C.J. Tape, E. Sahai, ‘Cross-talk with Lung Epithelial Cells Regulates Sfrp2-mediated Latency in Breast Cancer Dissemination’, Nature Cell Biology (2020) 22(3): 289-296. PMID: 32094692 DOI PDF
J.L. Orgaz, E. Crosas-Molist, A. Sadok, A. Perdrix-Rosell, O. Maiques, I. Rodriguez-Hernandez, J. Monger, S. Mele, M. Georgouli, V. Bridgeman, P. Karagiannis, R. Lee, P. Pandya, L. Boehme, F. Wallberg, C.J. Tape, S.N. Karagiannis, I. Malanchi, V. Sanz-Moreno, ‘Myosin II Reactivation and Cytoskeletal Remodeling as a Hallmark and a Vulnerability in Melanoma Therapy Resistance’, Cancer Cell (2020) 37(1): 85–103. PMID: 31935375 DOI PDF
V.G. Martinez, V. Pankova, L. Krasny, T. Singh, S. Makris, I.J. White, A.C. Benjamin, S. Dertschnig, H.L. Horsnell, J. Kriston-Vizi, J.J. Burden, P.H. Huang, C.J. Tape, S.E. Acton, ‘Fibroblastic Reticular Cells Control Conduit Matrix Deposition during Lymph Node Expansion’, Cell Reports (2019) 29(9): 2810-2822. PMID: 31775047 DOI PDF
C.J. Tape & C. Jørgensen, ‘Cell-Specific Labelling For Analysing Bidirectional Signalling by Mass Spectrometry’, Kinase Signaling Networks, Methods in Mol. Bio. (2017) 1636: 219-234. PMID: 28730482 DOI PDF
C.J. Tape, ‘The Heterocellular Emergence of Colorectal Cancer’, Trends in Cancer (2017) 3(2): 79-88. PMID: 28239669 DOI PDF
F.K. Mardakheh, H.Z. Sailem, S. Kümper, C.J. Tape, R.R. McCully, A. Paul, S. Anjomani-Virmouni, C. Jørgensen, G. Poulogiannis, C.J. Marshall, C. Bakal, ‘Proteomics Profiling of Interactome Dynamics by Colocalisation Analysis (COLA)’, Mol. BioSys. (2016). PMID 27824369 DOI PDF
C.J. Tape, S. Ling, M. Dimitriadi, K.M. McMahon, J.D. Worboys, H.S. Leong, I.C. Norrie, C.J. Miller, G. Poulogiannis, D.A. Lauffenburger, C. Jørgensen, ‘Oncogenic KRAS Regulates Tumor Cell Signaling via Stromal Reciprocation’, Cell (2016) 165(4): 910–920. PMID: 27087446 DOI PDF
C.J. Tape, ‘Systems Biology Analysis of Heterocellular Signaling’, Trends in Biotechnology (2016) 34(8). PMID: 27087613 DOI PDF
R. Natrajan, H. Sailem , F.K. Mardakheh, M.A. Garcia, C.J. Tape, M. Dowsett, C. Bakal, Y. Yuan, ‘Microenvironmental Heterogeneity Parallels Breast Cancer Progression: A Histology-Genomic Integration Analysis’, PLOS Medicine (2016) 13(2). PMID 26881778 DOI PDF
S. Santamaria, K. Yamamoto, K.A. Botkjaer, C.J. Tape, M.R. Dyson, J. McCafferty, G. Murphy, H. Nagase, ‘Antibody-based exosite inhibitors of ADAMTS-5 (Aggrecanase-2)’, Biochem. J. (2015). PMID 26303525 DOI PDF
F. Caiazza, P.M. McGowan, M. Mullooly, A. Murray, N. Synnott, N. O'Donovan, L. Flanagan, C.J. Tape, G. Murphy, J. Crown, M.J. Duffy, ‘Targeting ADAM-17 with an inhibitory monoclonal antibody has antitumour effects in triple-negative breast cancer cells’, British Journal of Cancer (2015). PMID: 26010411 DOI PDF
Y. Huang, N. Benaich, C.J. Tape, H.F. Kwok, G. Murphy, ‘Targeting the Sheddase Activity of ADAM17 by an Anti-ADAM17 Antibody D1 (A12) Inhibits Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma Cell Proliferation and Motility via Blockage of Bradykinin Induced HERs Transactivation’, Int. J. of Bio. Sci. (2014) 10(7):702-714. PMID: 25013379 DOI PDF
C.J. Tape, J.D. Worboys, J. Sinclair, R. Gourlay, J. Vogt, K.M. McMahon, M. Trost, D.A. Lauffenburger, D.J. Lamont, C. Jørgensen, ‘Reproducible Automated Phosphopeptide Enrichment using Magnetic TiO2 and Ti-IMAC’, Analytical Chemistry (2014) 86(20):10296-302. PMID: 25233145 DOI PDF
C.J. Tape, I.C. Norrie, J.D. Worboys, L. Lim, D.A. Lauffenburger, C. Jørgensen, ‘Cell-Specific Labeling Enzymes For Analysis of Cell-Cell Communication in Continuous Co-Culture’, Mol. Cell Proteomics (2014) 13(7):1866-76. PMID: 24820872 DOI PDF
H.F. Kwok, K.A. Botkjaer, C.J. Tape, Y. Huang, J. McCafferty, G. Murphy, ‘Development of a 'mouse and human cross-reactive' affinity matured exosite inhibitory antibody specific to TACE (ADAM17) for cancer immunotherapy’, PEDS (2014) 10.1093/protein/gzu010. PMID: 24769623 DOI PDF
F.M. Richards*, C.J. Tape*, D.I. Jodrell, G. Murphy, ‘Anti-Tumour Effects of a Specific Anti-ADAM17 Antibody in an Ovarian Cancer Model in vivo’, PLOS One (2012) 7(7):e40597. PMID: 22792380 DOI PDF
C.J. Tape, S.H. Willems, S.L. Dombernowsky, P.L. Stanley, M. Fogarasi, W. Ouwehand, J. McCafferty, G. Murphy, ‘Cross-domain inhibition of TACE ectodomain’, PNAS (2011) 108(14):5578-83. PMID: 21415364 DOI PDF
L. Woodbine, S. Grigoriadou, A.A. Goodarzi, E. Riballo, C.J. Tape, A.W. Oliver, M.C. van Zelm, M.S. Buckland, E.G. Davies, L.H. Pearl, P.A. Jeggo, ‘An Artemis polymorphic variant reduces Artemis activity and confers cellular radiosensitivity’, DNA Repair (2010) 9(9):1003-10. PMID: 20674517 DOI PDF
S.H. Willems, C.J. Tape, P.L. Stanley, N.A. Taylor, I.G. Mills, D.E. Neal, J. McCafferty, G. Murphy, ‘Thiol isomerases negatively regulate the cellular shedding activity of ADAM17’, Biochem. J. (2010) 428(3):439-50. PMID: 20345372 DOI PDF
* = Equal Authorship
C.J. Tape, J. McCafferty, G. Murphy, ‘Anti-TACE Antibody Molecules And Their Uses’, WO2012104581, US-9150659-B2 (2012). USPTO